カマリロの元市長 マイク・モーガン (77) が車事故で死亡し,妻は負傷したまま生き残った. Former Camarillo Mayor Mike Morgan, 77, died in a car crash; his wife survived with injuries.
カマリロの元市長 マイク・モーガン (77) は レノへ向かう途中,車で事故で死亡. 妻のドナは重傷を負って生き残った. Former Camarillo Mayor Mike Morgan, 77, died in a car crash while traveling to Reno; his wife Donna survived with severe injuries. モーガンは市長として6項,市議会で40年近く服役し,1980年に初めて選出された. Morgan served six terms as mayor and nearly four decades on the city council, first elected in 1980. カマリヨを住める最高の場所の"つにすることを目指したモーガンは,都市の成長,新しい住宅の制限,農業用地の保存に関与しました. Morgan, who aimed to make Camarillo one of the best places to live, was involved in city growth, limiting new homes, and preserving agricultural land. また、地元非営利団体や市民団体にも貢献した。 He also contributed to local nonprofits and civic organizations.