12歳の少年が 銃を背負ったとして 起訴される A 12-year-old faces charges for having a handgun in their school backpack in El Paso County.
エル・パソ郡のマイアミ・ゴッダー校の12歳の学生は,木曜のバックパックに拳銃が検出された後,起訴を受けた. A 12-year-old student from Miami-Yoder School in El Paso County faces charges after a handgun was found in their backpack on Thursday. 凶器は学校職員によって,別の生徒からの報告を受けて発見された. The weapon was discovered by school staff after a report from another student. 生徒の両親は通知を受け,警察は銃が自宅で発見されたことを知った. The student's parents were notified, and law enforcement learned the gun was found at home. 少年が違法に銃を所持し 学校の敷地内で違法に銃を所持した罪で 起訴されています The student is charged with unlawfully carrying a concealed weapon, illegal possession of a handgun by a juvenile, and unlawfully carrying a weapon on school grounds.