デリー高裁判所は,逮捕の請求書には,拘留の理由,法的権利の確保に関するものを含む. Delhi High Court mandates arrest forms include reasons for detention, ensuring legal rights.
デリー最高裁判所は,逮捕記録の更新をデリー警察に命じ,逮捕の理由を示すコラムを含め,刑事訴訟法第50条の1節に規定する. The Delhi High Court has ordered the Delhi Police to update arrest memo forms to include a column for stating the grounds of arrest, as per Section 50 of the Criminal Procedure Code. この動きの目的は,当該逮捕の理由について,個人に対し,法律上の助言を求め,保釈の申請を行うことが重要である. This move aims to ensure that individuals are informed of the reasons for their arrest, which is crucial for seeking legal advice and applying for bail. その命令は,ある男が逮捕に異議を申し立て,当該理由について通知がないとして"違法"と主張した後に施行された. The directive came after a man challenged his arrest, claiming he was not informed of the grounds, making it "illegal."