イギリスのドライバーは,ダブルイエローラインを混同し、Redditで議論を巻き起こしながら,ベイで駐車の罰金を受けた. A UK driver was fined for parking in a bay with confusing double yellow lines, sparking debate on Reddit.
R/UKEのReddit投稿では,駐車場の境界に描かれた二重黄色の線が,混乱の原因となっている. A Reddit post on r/drivingUK showed double yellow lines painted inside a parking bay's border, causing confusion. 駐車場がまだ有効なのか ユーザーたちは議論し 駐車場線が塗装され 塗装が消えたと示唆した. Users debated whether the parking bay was still active, suggesting the bay lines were painted over and the coating wore off. オリジナルのポスターは,道路標識の不確定な点の混乱を強調して,駐車場の使用料を支給された. The original poster received a parking fine for using the space, highlighting the confusion over the unclear road markings.