11歳の少年がチェスターの学校の外にある車にぶつかって死亡したが,警察は証人を求めている. An 11-year-old boy died after being hit by a car outside a Chester school; police seek witnesses.
11歳の少年が土曜に火曜にチェスターのキングススクールの外で車にぶつかって死亡した. An 11-year-old boy died on Saturday after being hit by a car outside King's School in Chester on Tuesday. 少年はアルダー・ハイ・キッズ病院へ運ばれたが,怪我から亡くなった. The boy was taken to Alder Hey Children's Hospital but passed away from his injuries. Wrexham出身の28歳の女性の運転手は,負傷していない. The driver, a 28-year-old woman from Wrexham, was not injured. 逮捕はなし チェシャ郡警察は目撃者や 映像を持っている人なら 連絡してくださいと要請しています No arrests have been made, and Cheshire Police are appealing for witnesses or anyone with footage to contact them.