8歳の少年がミシガン州のガーフィールド郡で車にかれて死亡.捜査は進行中. 8-year-old boy dies after being hit by car in Garfield Township, MI; ongoing investigation.
8歳の男の子が,ミシガン州ガーフィールド郡で車にかれて死亡しました. 火曜日の朝,およそ7時半. An 8-year-old boy died after being struck by a car in Garfield Township, Michigan, on Tuesday morning at approximately 7:30 a.m. 運転手は63歳のトラバースシティ出身で 警察と共に心肺蘇生を試みましたが 少年はその後病院で死亡しました The driver, a 63-year-old man from Traverse City, attempted CPR alongside law enforcement, but the boy later died at the hospital. 捜査官は 事故の原因として 超速運転やアルコールや薬物などの証拠を 見つけていません 現地当局が調査中です Investigators have found no evidence of speeding, alcohol, or drugs as contributing factors in the incident, which is under ongoing investigation by local authorities.