カナダの卸売売上高は9月に0.8%増加し,製造業の売上高は0.5%減少し,連続2回の減少を示した. Canadian wholesale sales rose 0.8% in September, while manufacturing sales fell 0.5%, marking two straight declines.
カナダの卸売売上高は9月に0.8%増加し,8230億ドルとなり,自動車部品の売上高が2%増加した. Canadian wholesale sales increased by 0.8% in September to $82.3 billion, led by a 2% rise in motor vehicle parts sales. しかし,製造業の売上高は0.5%減で690億1000万ドルとなり,石油と石炭の売上高が7.5%減,航空宇宙生産が4.2%減少したため,連続して2回の減少を示した. However, manufacturing sales fell 0.5% to $69.1 billion, marking two consecutive declines, due to a 7.5% drop in petroleum and coal sales and a 4.2% decrease in aerospace production. エネルギー製品を除く製造業の売上高は0.4%増加したが,全体的に固定ドルで0.4%減少した. Excluding energy products, manufacturing sales rose by 0.4%, but overall, they fell 0.4% in constant dollars.