警察はスワナージーの養護施設で 3人の死亡を調査しています 初めは一酸化炭素中毒が疑われました Police investigate three deaths at a Swanage care home, with carbon monoxide poisoning initially suspected.
スワンジュの療養所で3人の居住者が死亡し、60歳の女性が死亡容疑で逮捕されたが,その後は無断で釈放された. A 60-year-old woman was arrested on suspicion of manslaughter after three residents died at a Swanage care home, but she has since been released without charge. 74歳,86歳,91歳の住民の死亡は,当初は 一酸化 炭素中毒とみなされたままである. The deaths of the 74-year-old, 86-year-old, and 91-year-old residents remain unexplained, with carbon monoxide poisoning initially considered. ドーセット警察は調査を続けています 数ヶ月かかる可能性があります 検視官と連携して 死因を究明しています Dorset Police are continuing their investigation, which may take several months to complete, and are working with the coroner to determine the cause of death. この 事件 の 後 , ほか に も 7 人 の 住民 が 入院 し まし た。 Seven other residents were hospitalized following the incident.