ガーナの最高裁判長は,バウク危機の影響を受けた上東地方4つの裁判所を再開するよう命令した. Ghana's Chief Justice orders reopening of four courts in Upper East Region affected by Bawku crisis.
ガーナの最高裁は,ブーク危機のため10月に閉鎖された上東地方4つの裁判所の再開を命じた. The Chief Justice of Ghana, Gertrude Torkornoo, has ordered the reopening of four courts in the Upper East Region that were closed in October due to the Bawku crisis. この判決は,地方の長や長老が,地方紛争の最中に司法職員の安全を確保するため停止した裁判所の業務再開を要請した結果である. The decision comes after a request from local chiefs and elders to resume court operations, which were halted to ensure the safety of judicial staff amid regional conflicts. この被害を受けた裁判所にはボルガガとボンゴの裁判所が含まれている. The affected courts include those in Bolgatanga and Bongo.