オハイオ州役所の二人の警官は 拘留中の男が死んだ後 無謀な殺人罪に問われている Two Ohio officers face reckless homicide charges after a man in custody died post-arrest.
オハイオ州の2人の警察官は 事故で逮捕された男が 死亡したことで 軽率な殺人罪で起訴されました Two Ohio police officers have been charged with reckless homicide after a man in their custody died following a crash arrest. ソーシャル・クラブに放置されていた男性は,息ができないと繰り返し言った. The man, who was handcuffed and left face down in a social club, repeatedly stated he couldn't breathe. 起訴は,その男の死を助長した役員の行為又は不服から生じる. The charges stem from the officers' actions or inactions that contributed to the man's death.