ボパールでは,警察は,元首相ラル・バハドル・シャストリの像を壊し,男性を拘留した. In Bhopal, police detained a man for vandalizing a statue of former PM Lal Bahadur Shastri.
マドヤ・プラデーシュ州ボパールで,警察は,元首相であるラル・バハドル・シャストリの像を破壊したという容疑で,男性を拘束した。 In Bhopal, Madhya Pradesh, police detained a man for allegedly vandalizing a statue of former Prime Minister Lal Bahadur Shastri, which had also been adorned with shoes by unknown individuals. この行為は,この像を掃除し,当局から責任を請求した議会職員の反応を招いた. This act led to a response from Congress workers who cleaned the statue and demanded accountability from authorities. 警察は事件を刑事犯罪として捜査し,責任を負う者を特定し,逮捕を計画している。 Police are investigating the incident as a criminal offense and plan to identify and arrest those responsible.