青年はブリズバンの家宅侵入で エマ・ラベルを 刺した殺人罪で無罪とされました A teenager was acquitted of murder in the stabbing of Emma Lovell during a Brisbane home invasion.
2022年ボクシングデーでオーストラリアのブリズベンで家宅侵入中にエマ・ラベル (41) を刺した殺人事件で,十代の少年が無罪判決を受けた. A teenager was acquitted of murder in the fatal stabbing of Emma Lovell, 41, during a home invasion in Brisbane, Australia, on Boxing Day 2022. 少年が強盗と暴行で有罪とされたが, 殺人事件と彼を結びつける証拠が不十分だったため, 彼はより深刻な罪から無罪とされた. While the teen was found guilty of burglary and assault, he was cleared of more serious charges due to insufficient evidence linking him to the murder. もう1人の共犯者は殺人の罪を主張し,14年の懲役判決を受けた. Another accomplice pleaded guilty to murder and received a 14-year sentence. Lovelの夫は,判決に失望感を表明し,少年刑法の厳格な改正を提唱した. Lovell's husband expressed disappointment with the verdict, advocating for tougher juvenile sentencing laws.