中国の地域間旅行は2021年1月から9月まで5.4%増加し,鉄道,水路,航空,貨物輸送の伸びが記録された. China's inter-regional trips increased by 5.4% from January to September 2021, with growth in rail, waterway, aviation, and cargo throughput.
2021年1月から9月まで,中国は490.09億件の地域間旅行を記録し,前年比5.4%増加した. From January to September 2021, China recorded 49.09 billion inter-regional trips, a 5.4% increase from the previous year. 鉄道 (13.8%),水路 (1.1%),航空 (19.1%) で旅客輸送が増加した. The transport sector showed stable growth, with passenger traffic rising across rail (13.8%), waterway (1.1%), and aviation (19.1%). 港での貨物処理量は3.4%増加して1297億トンとなった. Cargo throughput at ports increased by 3.4% to 12.97 billion tons. 交通機関への固定資産投資は2.71兆円 (約3800億ドル) に達し,主要インフラプロジェクトを支援した. Fixed-asset investment in transport reached 2.71 trillion yuan (about $380 billion), supporting major infrastructure projects.