オハイオ州マディソン地方学校は匿名の銃撃の脅威により閉鎖され,生徒は早期に退学し,調査が進行中です. Madison Local Schools in Ohio lockdown due to anonymous shooting threat, students dismissed early; investigation ongoing.
オハイオ州バトラー郡の マディソン地方学校は 匿名のボイスメイルが "学校を撃ち壊す"と脅かしたため 閉鎖されています Madison Local Schools in Butler County, Ohio, are on lockdown due to an anonymous voicemail threat to "shoot up the school." 学生は早めに退学し,小学校は中止され,中学生はバスで帰宅した. Students were dismissed early, with elementary classes canceled and middle/high school students bused home. 7年生が 尋問のために拘束されましたが 容疑者かどうか不明です A seventh-grade student has been detained for questioning, but it's unclear if they are a suspect. 捜査は継続中です 学生たちは安全だと当局が保証しています Authorities assure that all students are safe, and the investigation is ongoing. 脅威の性質は 未開示のままです The nature of the threat remains undisclosed.