18歳の容疑者は、人質事件の最中にオーロラ警察に発砲し、死亡した。 18-year-old suspect died after opening fire on Aurora police during a hostage situation.
18歳の容疑者が、ルームメイトの争いに端を発する人質事件でオーロラ警察に発砲し、死亡した。 An 18-year-old suspect died after opening fire on Aurora police during a hostage situation stemming from a roommate dispute. 警察は人質の解放を交渉したが 容疑者は警察官に銃撃した Police negotiated the release of a hostage, but the suspect shot at officers, who returned fire. 彼は後に病院で亡くなった. He later died in the hospital. 担当者は 常規の規則に従って 有給の行政休業中です The involved officer is on paid administrative leave, following standard protocol. デンバーでは別の男が銃撃され死亡し 警察は殺人事件として捜査中です Separately, a man was fatally shot in Denver; police are investigating that incident as a homicide.