ロアノークの住宅火災で 2人の住民が避難し 1人の生命を脅かすような傷を負ったが 捜査中だ House fire in Roanoke displaced two residents, caused one non-life-threatening injury, and is under investigation.
住宅の火災は 住人の2人を避難させ 1人の生命を脅かさない負傷者を生じた A house fire in Southeast Roanoke early Saturday morning displaced two residents and resulted in one non-life-threatening injury. ローノーク消防救急隊は午前2時36分ごろに2階の火を消した.近くのアパートの犬も救出された. The Roanoke Fire-EMS Department extinguished the flames on the second floor around 2:36 a.m. A dog from a nearby apartment was also rescued. 火災の原因は調査中であり、より多くの情報が利用可能になり次第、更新される予定です。 The cause of the fire is under investigation, with updates expected as more information becomes available.