17歳の男 殺人容疑で逮捕 盗難車運転 容疑者5人目 複数の容疑で起訴 17-year-old arrested for murder, driving stolen car; linked as 5th suspect, faces multiple charges.
ハートフォードの17歳の若者が 盗まれた車を運転していた時に逮捕され 18歳のジョセフ・ザヴァラを殺害したとして起訴されました この事件に関連した 5番目の容疑者です A 17-year-old from Hartford was arrested while driving a stolen car and has been charged with the murder of 18-year-old Joseph Zavala, marking the fifth suspect linked to the case. 逮捕時に彼は 殺人陰謀と 銃器の違法放火を含む 複数の罪に問われた During the arrest, he faced multiple charges, including conspiracy to commit murder and unlawful discharge of a firearm. 22歳の女性乗客が 自動車の盗難と警察官の干渉で 起訴されました A 22-year-old female passenger was charged with larceny of a motor vehicle and interfering with an officer.