サンタモニカ大学は 職場での銃撃事件の 警察捜査のため 閉鎖されました Santa Monica College closed due to police investigation of workplace violence shooting.
サンタモニカカレッジは、Center for Media and Designの従業員が重傷を負った銃撃事件について警察が捜査したため、閉鎖されています。 Santa Monica College is closed due to a police investigation into a shooting that critically injured an employee at the Center for Media and Design. 捜査は 職場での暴力事件と 扱っている ランダムな行為ではない Authorities are treating the incident as workplace violence, not a random act. 容疑者は逃亡中だが 警察は地域社会に 脅威はないと信じている The suspect remains at large, but police believe there is no ongoing threat to the community. 捜査中に警察のパトロールが 増えるため キャンパスは閉鎖されます All campuses will remain closed for safety, with increased police patrols around local schools during the investigation.