45歳のデトロイトの警官 精神疾患で苦しんでる 自殺危機で仲間が撃ち殺した 45-year-old Detroit officer struggling with mental health issues shot and killed by fellow officers during suicide crisis.
デトロイトの45歳の警官が 精神疾患で苦しんでおり 月曜日に自殺事件で 同僚に銃撃され死亡しました A 45-year-old off-duty Detroit police officer, struggling with mental health issues, was shot and killed by fellow officers during a suicide crisis on Monday. 13年の経験を持つ警官は 911に電話して "警察官による自殺"を要請し 対応した警官にライフルで撃ち 2人を負傷させた The officer, a 13-year veteran, called 911 requesting "suicide by cop" and fired a rifle at responding officers, injuring two. 警官の一人が撃ち返して 彼を致命傷させた In response, one officer returned fire, fatally wounding him. 負傷した警官の状況は安定している The injured officers are stable. ミシガン州警察は 独立調査を行う The Michigan State Police will conduct an independent investigation.