スタンダード銀行のヨハネスブルグ本社で働く女性従業員が 6階から落ちて死亡しました 精神疾患に罹った可能性が高いです Female employee at Standard Bank's Johannesburg head office died after falling from the sixth floor, possibly related to mental health struggles.
スタンダード銀行のヨハネスブルグ本社で働く女性従業員が6階から転落して死亡しました. A female employee at Standard Bank's Johannesburg head office died after falling from the sixth floor, with reports indicating she had previously discussed mental health struggles with colleagues. 世界精神衛生の日が 来る直前に この事件が起きました The incident occurred just before World Mental Health Day. スタンダード銀行はこの事件を自殺と 評価しなかったことで批判を受けています Standard Bank has faced criticism for not labeling the event as a suicide in its initial response. ギャウテン警察は捜査を開始し 銀行は捜査に協力し 被害を受けた同僚を支援しています Gauteng police have opened an inquest, and the bank is cooperating with the investigation while supporting affected coworkers.