13歳のイギリス少女は暴動で12ヶ月の裁判を命じられ 終身の犯罪歴を被る 13-year-old UK girl receives 12-month referral order for riot, leading to lifelong criminal record.
イギリスの13歳の少女は 難民のホテルでの暴動で 生涯の犯罪歴を犯し 12ヶ月間 送還処分を宣告されました A 13-year-old girl in the UK was sentenced to a 12-month referral order for her role in a violent riot at an asylum seeker hotel, resulting in a lifelong criminal record. 両親が警察の写真から 事件の真相を知った後 遺憾と恐怖を表現した. She expressed regret and fear for her future after her parents learned of her involvement through police photos. 初めは 軽度の罰を受けると考えていたが 裁判の結果に家族も準備ができていなかったため 法的手続きの適切性について懸念を 持ち上げた. Initially believing she would face a minor punishment, the family was unprepared for the court outcome, raising concerns about the appropriateness of the legal process.