177人が死亡 26万4000人が被害 マリは洪水により"国家災害状態"を宣言 177 deaths, 264,000 affected, Mali declares "state of national disaster" due to floods.
危機・災害管理省間委員会によると,雨季が始まって以来,マリで洪水により177人が死亡し,26万4000人以上が被害を受けました. Since the rainy season began, floods in Mali have resulted in 177 deaths and impacted over 264,000 people, as reported by the Interministerial Committee for Crisis and Disaster Management. 洪水による被害は656件で 約3万8千軒の家屋が崩壊し 洪水被害者が128の公立学校を占領した There have been 656 flood incidents, leading to nearly 38,000 house collapses and the occupation of 128 public schools by flood victims. 政府は8月23日に"国家災害状態"を宣言し,学年開学を10月1日から11月4日に延期した. The government declared a "state of national disaster" on August 23, postponing the school year start from October 1 to November 4.