31歳のダブリン男性に 妊娠中の元パートナーを襲った罪で 2年半の懲役刑が言い渡され 子供たちの目の前で 6ヶ月間の禁固刑が科せられました 31-year-old Dublin man receives 2.5-year prison sentence for assaulting pregnant ex-partner, with 6 months suspended, witnessed by their children.
2020年クリスマスイブに妊娠中の元パートナーを暴行したことでダブリンで31歳の男性が2年3か月間の懲役刑を言い渡され,最後の6ヶ月は仮釈放の監視下で一時停止されました. A 31-year-old man in Dublin received a two-year and three-month prison sentence for assaulting his pregnant ex-partner on Christmas Eve 2020, with the last six months suspended under probation supervision. 彼らの2人の子供が目撃したこの襲撃は、裁判官によって「非難されるべき」と表現され、裁判官は男性の薬物乱用の履歴と以前の有罪判決を指摘した。 The attack, witnessed by their two children, was described as "reprehensible" by the judge, who noted the man's history of substance abuse and previous convictions. 彼の有罪の告白と 変化しようとする努力は 判決で認められた. His guilty plea and efforts to change were acknowledged in the sentencing.