ASIRTは カルガリー警察官の 武装したナイフを持った強盗容疑者の 射殺を正当化しました ASIRT ruled Calgary police officer's shooting of armed knife-wielding robbery suspect justified.
アルバータ州重度の事件対応チーム (ASIRT) は カルガリー警察官が ナイフで武装した強盗容疑者を巻き込んだ 8月の銃撃事件で適切に行動したことを発見しました. The Alberta Serious Incident Response Team (ASIRT) found that a Calgary police officer acted appropriately in an August shooting involving a robbery suspect armed with a knife. 警官は容疑者を撃った. 容疑者は命令を無視して, 容疑者の方へ進んだ. The officer shot the suspect after he ignored commands and advanced toward them. 捜査はボディカメラの映像で裏付けられ 容疑者が"警察による自殺"を 望んでいたという理由で 武力を使うのは正当な行為だと結論付けました The investigation, supported by body camera footage, concluded that the officer was justified in using force, as the suspect posed a lethal threat and had expressed a desire for "suicide by cop."