10月7日,テキサス州北東のエルパソで 歩行者が車にかれて死亡しました. A pedestrian was fatally struck by a vehicle in Northeast El Paso, Texas, on October 7.
10月7日午後7時24分頃,マコムズ通り9900ブロックの北東エルパソで,歩行者が車にかれて死亡しました. A pedestrian was fatally struck by a vehicle in Northeast El Paso, Texas, on the 9900 block of McCombs Street around 7:24 p.m. on October 7. エルパソ警察は 捜査を進めています 交通警察は 状況を調査しています The El Paso Police Department is investigating the incident, with Special Traffic Investigators assigned to determine the circumstances. 被害者は現場で死亡しました 捜査が進むにつれ 詳細は発表します The victim died at the scene, and further updates will be provided as the investigation unfolds.