18歳、23歳、27歳がアトランタのThe Vaultでのドライブバイ銃撃で負傷。調査が進行中です。 18-year-old, 23-year-old, and 27-year-old injured in drive-by shooting at Atlanta's The Vault; investigation ongoing.
日曜日の朝早く アトランタの銀行内の 隠れた金庫の外で ドライブバイで銃撃され 3人の男性が負傷しました 18歳,23歳,27歳です Early Sunday morning, a drive-by shooting outside The Vault Hidden Inside the Bank in Atlanta injured three men: an 18-year-old, a 23-year-old, and a 27-year-old, all in stable condition. 事故は午前12時47分頃 駐車場で発生しました 発砲は不明車両から発射されました The incident occurred around 12:47 a.m. in the parking lot when shots were fired from an unidentified vehicle. 容疑者は逮捕されず 捜査は進行中です No suspects have been arrested, and the investigation is ongoing. 銃弾は現場で駐車していた3台の車にも当たった. Bullets also struck three parked cars at the scene.