9月29日にコロラド・スプリングスでバイク衝突で歩行者が負傷した. A pedestrian was injured in a motorcycle collision in Colorado Springs on September 29.
9月29日午前2時半 コロラド・スプリングスで バイクが衝突して 歩行者が負傷した. A pedestrian was injured in a motorcycle collision in Colorado Springs on September 29 at 2:30 AM. 事故は東キオワと北テジョンの交差点で発生し 歩行者が横断中に衝突した The incident occurred at the intersection of East Kiowa and North Tejon Streets, where the pedestrian was struck while crossing. 病院に運ばれたが 負傷は重くない They were taken to a hospital, but injuries were not reported as serious. 警察は捜査中です 当事者に対して起訴はされていません The police are investigating, and no charges have been filed against either party involved.