バイデンはハリスを2024年の大統領選で支持し,The Viewで彼女のリーダーシップを賞賛した. Biden endorsed Harris for the 2024 presidential race and praised her leadership on The View.
最近のABCの"The View"のインタビューで,ジョー・バイデン大統領は,次期大統領選挙で副大統領カマラ・ハリスを支持する決断に満足を表明し, "移行期大統領"としての役割を挙げました. In a recent interview on ABC's "The View," President Joe Biden expressed contentment with his decision to endorse Vice President Kamala Harris for the upcoming presidential race, citing his role as a "transition president." 彼は年を取ったことが 退役の理由だと認めましたが 自分の能力に自信を持っていることを強調しました He acknowledged his age as a factor in stepping aside but emphasized confidence in his capabilities. また,バイデンは中東での潜在的な紛争を警告し,元大統領トランプを批判し,イスラエルへの支持を肯定し,ハリスのリーダーシップを称賛した. Biden also warned of potential conflict in the Middle East and criticized former President Trump, affirming support for Israel and praising Harris's leadership.