81歳のバイデン米大統領は、2024年の再選を目指さず、新たな世代にバトンを渡すつもりはないと発表し、カマラ・ハリス氏を後継者にすることを示唆した。 81-year-old US President Biden announced he won't seek re-election in 2024 to pass the torch to a new generation, implying Kamala Harris as his successor.
ジョー・バイデン米大統領(81歳)は、大統領執務室での歴史的な演説で、2024年の再選を目指さないと発表し、「危機に瀕している民主主義の防衛は、いかなる称号よりも重要だ」と述べた。 US President Joe Biden, aged 81, announced in a historic Oval Office speech that he would not seek re-election in 2024, stating that the "defense of democracy, which is at stake, is more important than any title." バイデン氏は、国を団結させるために「新しい世代にバトンを渡す」ことが最善の道だと決断したと述べた。 Biden said he had decided the best way forward was to "pass the torch to a new generation" to unite the country. バイデン氏は発表後初のテレビ演説で、カマラ・ハリス副大統領を称賛し、後継者として歓迎した。 In his first televised address since the announcement, Biden praised his Vice President, Kamala Harris, and hailed her as his successor.