56歳のイギリス人観光客が バルコニーから落ちて 重傷を負った 56-year-old British tourist critically injured after falling from balcony in Cyprus villa.
56歳の英国人観光客が、バルコニーからプールに飛び込もうとして歩道に転落し、キプロスで重体です。 A 56-year-old British tourist is in critical condition in Cyprus after slipping and falling onto the pavement while attempting to jump from a balcony into a swimming pool. 事件はペゲアにある別荘で起きた.彼はパフォス総合病院に運ばれ,その後重傷のため重症治療室に移された. The incident occurred at a villa in Pegeia, and he was taken to Paphos General Hospital, where he was later moved to intensive care due to severe injuries. この事件は,最近イギリス人観光客が 溺死事故に巻き込まれた事件に続くものです. マヨルカ島で溺死事故が起きたこともあります. This incident follows other recent accidents involving British tourists, including a near-drowning case in Mallorca.