9月21日にカンザス州ワメゴで電車にかれて負傷した23歳の男性. 捜査中. 23-year-old man injured by train in Wamego, Kansas on September 21; under investigation.
9月21日午前5時10分,カンザス州ワメゴで電車にかれて23歳の男性が負傷した. A 23-year-old man was injured after being struck by a train in Wamego, Kansas, on September 21 at 5:10 AM. 列車線の間に横たわっていたのが発見され 救急隊が到着した時には 生きていた He was found lying between the tracks and was alive when first responders arrived. 男性は救出され、治療のためにトピカ病院に運ばれました。 The man was extricated and taken to a Topeka hospital for treatment. 予備調査によると,彼は列車が彼を越えた時に 襲われた. Preliminary investigations indicate he was struck as the train passed over him. ワメゴ警察と ポタワトミー郡保安官事務所が 捜査中です Local authorities, including the Wamego Police and Pottawatomie County Sheriff's Office, are investigating the incident.