25歳のウィンドソーに住む母親が 娘の溺死で 刑事不注意で起訴されました 25-year-old mother in Windsor charged with criminal negligence in daughter's drowning.
オンタリオ州ウィンザーに住む25歳の母親は、9月9日に自宅の裏庭のプールで5歳の娘が溺死し、生活必需品を提供しなかったという過失致死罪で起訴されました。 A 25-year-old mother in Windsor, Ontario, has been charged with criminal negligence causing death and failure to provide the necessaries of life following the drowning of her five-year-old daughter in their backyard pool on September 9. 救急隊が救助しようとしたものの 病院で彼女は死亡と宣言されました Despite emergency responders' attempts to resuscitate the child, she was pronounced dead at the hospital. 母親は9月19日に逮捕され ウィンドサー警察の 重大犯罪捜査班による捜査が進行中です The mother was arrested on September 19, and an investigation by the Windsor Police Major Crimes Unit is ongoing.