スロバキアでは,文化大臣マルティーナ・シムコヴィコワが検閲と公共芸術資金の管理不当を非難して,数千人が抗議した. Thousands protested in Slovakia against Culture Minister Martina Simkovicova for alleged censorship and mismanagement of public arts funding.
スロバキアでは数千人が文化大臣マルティーナ・シムコヴィコワに抗議し,検閲と芸術のための公的資金の管理を誤っていると非難した. Thousands protested in Slovakia against Culture Minister Martina Simkovicova, accusing her of censorship and mismanaging public funding for the arts. ブラティスラヴァと十数以上の都市でデモ参加者が彼女の辞任を呼びかけ,芸術の自由を抑圧し,文化指導者の政治的に動機付けられた変更を懸念した. Demonstrators in Bratislava and over a dozen cities called for her resignation, expressing concerns about her attempts to suppress artistic freedoms and politically motivated changes in cultural leadership. 抗議活動には,書籍のVATの増税計画と,政治指導者との対話の欠如が助長された. Protests were fueled by plans to increase VAT on books and a lack of dialogue with political leaders.