貿易赤字と外資の流出によって,ルーマニアの経常赤字は同年比で21%増加し,265億ユーロに達した. Romania's current account deficit increased 21% YoY to €26.5bn, driven by trade deficit and foreign investment outflows.
ルーマニアの経常赤字は前年比21%増加し,7月までに265億ユーロに達し,安定化への期待とは対照的です. Romania's current account deficit rose 21% year-over-year to €26.5 billion by July, contrasting with expectations for stabilization. 貿易赤字が193億ユーロと外資からの流出の増加が主な要因となった. Key contributors were a trade deficit of €19.3 billion and increased outflows from foreign investments. 国内外債務は180億ユーロに上昇し,外国直接投資は168%減って57億ユーロとなった. The country's gross external debt climbed to €180 billion, with foreign direct investments down 16.8% to €5.7 billion. 投資の伸びは 外国投資家に配当と利息の支払いが 増加していることを示している. The trend reflects rising dividends and interest payments to foreign investors amidst a challenging economic environment.