ナイジェリアの学生Terhile Timothy Achinyaは,カルト主義の告発に関連して,Isa Mustapha Agwai Polytechnicで,軍事兵士による拷問で死亡した. Nigerian student Terhile Timothy Achinya died from alleged torture by military soldiers at Isa Mustapha Agwai Polytechnic, linked to cultism accusations.
ナイジェリアの学生Terhile Timothy Achinyaは,カルト主義の告発に関連して,Isa Mustapha Agwai Polytechnicで,軍事兵士による拷問で死亡したと言われている. Nigerian student Terhile Timothy Achinya allegedly died from torture by military soldiers at Isa Mustapha Agwai Polytechnic, linked to cultism accusations. ナイジェリア学生協会 (NANS) は,彼の死後, 123特殊部隊大隊を巻き込めて正義を要求した. Following his death, the National Association of Nigerian Students (NANS) demanded justice, implicating the 123 Special Force Battalion. 学校の管理と学生組合は 訴訟を起こし 地方警察は事件の捜査を開始しました The school's administration and students' union are pursuing legal action, while local police have initiated an investigation into the incident.