中国とロシアは太平洋北部の合同海上演習とパトロールを開始し,沿岸警備隊の協力を強化し,海上安全保障と救助に重点を置く. China and Russia initiate joint maritime drills and patrols in the northern Pacific, strengthening coast guard cooperation and focusing on maritime security and rescue.
中国沿岸警備隊の船は金曜日にロシアへ出発し,北太平洋で合同演習とパトロールに参加した. A group of China Coast Guard vessels departed for Russia on Friday to engage in joint drills and patrols in the northern Pacific Ocean. この演習は中国とロシアの沿岸警備隊の協力を強化し,海上安全保障と救援活動に焦点を当てています. The exercises aim to enhance cooperation between the coast guards of China and Russia, focusing on maritime security and rescue operations. 中国沿岸警備隊は,これらの活動は第三者に対して向けられず,現在の国際情勢とは無関係であると述べています. The China Coast Guard stated that these activities are not directed against any third parties and are unrelated to current international situations.