国境警備隊が コーンウォールで コカイン1トンを押収 犯罪組織と関係のある4人を逮捕 Border Force seizes 1 tonne of cocaine in Cornwall, arrests 4 men linked to organized crime.
9月13日,国境警備隊の職員たちが コーンウォール州ニューケイの近くで漁船を検挙し,約1トンのコカインを押収した. On September 13, Border Force officers intercepted a fishing boat near Newquay, Cornwall, and seized about one tonne of cocaine. A級麻薬の輸入容疑で4人が逮捕され, 刑事捜査局 (NCA) の尋問のために拘束されています. Four men were arrested on suspicion of importing Class A drugs and are in custody for questioning by the National Crime Agency (NCA). NCAの役人は,この押収は, 組織犯罪集団を大きく混乱させ, 暴力や搾取を含むさらなる犯罪活動を防ぐと示しました. NCA officials indicated that this seizure would significantly disrupt the organized crime group involved, preventing further criminal activities, including violence and exploitation.