8歳の少年が学校を逃げた後 近所の池で死体で発見された.当局が調査中. 8-year-old boy found dead in neighborhood pond after fleeing school; authorities investigate.
学校から逃げた8歳の少年が 近所の池で死体で発見された. An 8-year-old boy who fled from school was discovered deceased in a pond in his neighborhood. 当局は彼の失踪と死に関する状況を調査しています Authorities are investigating the circumstances surrounding his disappearance and death. この事件は,キャンパスから外れる生徒に関する児童の安全と学校のプロトコルに関する懸念を高めてきた. The incident has raised concerns about child safety and school protocols regarding students who leave campus.