34歳のチョ・ソンは、ソウルでの刺殺事件で終身刑を受け、1人が死亡、3人が負傷した。 34-year-old Cho Seon receives life sentence for Seoul stabbing spree, resulting in 1 death and 3 injuries.
韓国最高裁判所は昨年ソウルで ナイフで刺し殺しで 1人が死亡 3人が負傷した34歳のチョ・ソンに 終身刑を宣告しました The South Korean Supreme Court has confirmed a life sentence for 34-year-old Cho Seon, who carried out a stabbing spree in Seoul last year, resulting in one death and three injuries. 検察は死刑を求めたが 裁判所はチョの判決を 公正だと判断し 精神不全の主張を 却下した Despite prosecutors seeking the death penalty, the court ruled that Cho's sentence was fair and upheld it, dismissing his claims of mental incompetence. チョの行動は 国内で 模倣犯罪の脅威を 引き起こしました Cho's actions sparked widespread concern and threats of copycat crimes across the nation.