7月にはマレーシアの天然ゴム生産は27%増加し,輸出は21.1%増加し,中国は総輸出の30%で最大の輸入国でした. In July, Malaysia's natural rubber production rose by 27%, exports increased by 21.1%, and China was the top importer at 30% of total exports.
7月,マレーシアの天然ゴム生産量は6月の29,881トンから27%増加し,37,960トンとなり,前年比33%増加した. In July, Malaysia's natural rubber production rose 27% to 37,960 tons from June's 29,881 tons, marking a 33% year-on-year increase. 天然ゴム貯蔵量は7.6%減って148,096トンとなった. Natural rubber stocks fell by 7.6% to 148,096 tons. 輸出量は48,199トンで前月比21.1%増加.中国が総輸出の30%でトップの輸入国となり,次にアラブ首長国連邦,インド,ドイツ,米国が続きました. Exports reached 48,199 tons, a 21.1% rise from the previous month, with China as the top importer at 30% of total exports, followed by the UAE, India, Germany, and the U.S. 輸出の伸びは グローブ,タイヤ,チューブ,ゴム糸などの製品によって引き起こされた. The growth in exports was driven by products like gloves, tires, tubes, and rubber thread.