デカルブ郡のグレシャムパークで 警官との衝突で 男が自殺 捜査は進行中 Man shot himself during police encounter in Gresham Park, DeKalb County; investigation ongoing.
デカルブ郡のグレシャムパークで 月曜日の夜に警察との衝突で 男が頭を撃った In Gresham Park, DeKalb County, a man shot himself in the head during a police encounter on Monday evening. 捜査官は午後7時40分頃 捜索中の人の報告を受け 裏庭で男を見つけました Officers responded around 7:40 p.m. to a report of a wanted individual and found the man in a backyard. 逮捕される前に,彼は銃を撃った. Before being arrested, he fired the weapon. その後,彼は生命を脅かすような傷を負って地元の病院に搬送されました. He was subsequently transported to a local hospital with life-threatening injuries. 彼の身元と彼の捜索の理由はまだ不明で 捜査は進行中です His identity and the reason for his wanted status remain unknown, and the investigation is ongoing.