デイトナビーチで 衝突した際に 頭部に銃撃された男 捜査中 Man shot in head during confrontation in Daytona Beach, investigation ongoing.
デイトナビーチで日曜日の朝の衝突で 男が頭部に撃たれた. A man was shot in the head during a confrontation in Daytona Beach on Sunday morning. 被害者がビルの外で 攻撃したと容疑者は報告し 銃撃戦が起きた The alleged shooter reported that the victim attacked him outside a building, leading to a struggle in which the firearm discharged. 被害者は未知の物質の影響下だったかもしれない The victim may have been under the influence of an unknown substance. 彼はハリファックス保健医療センターに 連れて行かれました 捜査が進行中 起訴はされていません He was taken to Halifax Health Medical Center, and no charges have been filed as the investigation continues.