87歳のイギリス人男性が ギリシャで逮捕され 寝床に横たわっていた妻を 窒息させようとしたとして 逮捕された 87-year-old British man arrested in Greece for allegedly trying to suffocate bedridden wife upon her request.
87 歳のイギリス人男性が ギリシャで逮捕されました 寝床に横たわっていた89 歳の妻を 枕で窒息させようとした罪で逮捕されました An 87-year-old British man was arrested in Greece for attempting to murder his 89-year-old bedridden wife by allegedly suffocating her with a pillow. 彼女は死ぬために彼の助けを求めたと He claimed she requested his help to die. 女性は生きていて病院に運ばれ 男は隣人に話したので 警察が介入した The woman was found alive and taken to a hospital, while the man's disclosure to a neighbor prompted police involvement. 当局は事件を調査中です 夫婦の居住権も調査中です Authorities are investigating the incident, including the couple's residency status.