ケイト妃は化学療法を終え 家族のビデオを公開し 公の場に戻ります Princess Kate completes chemotherapy, shares family video, returns to public engagements.
ケイト妃は 心から 癌の旅の最新情報を公開しました 化学療法が完了したことを確認しました Princess Kate has shared a heartfelt video updating the public on her cancer journey, confirming she has completed her chemotherapy after a challenging nine months. この映画は,彼女の家族がノルフォークで夏の活動を楽しんで,夫ウィリアム王子と子供たちの瞬間を披露している. The film features her family enjoying summer activities in Norfolk, showcasing moments with her husband, Prince William, and their children. ケイトは支援に感謝し,徐々に公的な仕事や仕事に戻るにつれて,がんを患わないことに焦点を当てていることを強調しました. Kate expressed gratitude for their support and emphasized her focus on staying cancer-free as she gradually returns to public engagements and work.