15歳の少年が ひどい火傷を負った 病院に運ばれた 15-year-old boy in Easley, SC sustains severe burns, airlifted to hospital after incident at apartment complex.
サウスカロライナ州イーズリーに住む15歳の少年が、ウォレス・ドライブの集合住宅で起きた事故の後、重度の火傷を負い、病院に空輸されました。 A 15-year-old boy in Easley, South Carolina, sustained severe burns and was airlifted to a hospital after an incident at an apartment complex on Wallace Drive. 緊急サービスが18時20分に911の電話を受けて対応し,最初の医療援助を提供しました. Emergency services responded at 6:20 p.m. following a 911 call, providing initial medical assistance. 少年が怪我をした原因を 調べている An investigation is underway to determine the events leading to the teen's injuries.