20歳の男性に保釈が認められ ダブリンでレイプの容疑で 裁判は中央刑事裁判所で 20-year-old man granted bail on rape charge in Dublin, trial in Central Criminal Court.
20歳の男性がダブリン地区裁判所で保釈を許されました. 去年学生寮で女性をレイプした容疑で起訴された後です. A 20-year-old man has been granted bail in Dublin District Court after being charged with the alleged rape of a woman at student accommodation last year. 検察長官が 裁判を中央刑事裁判所に指示した The Director of Public Prosecutions has directed a trial in the Central Criminal Court. 報告制限は 両者の身元を保護します Reporting restrictions protect the identities of both parties. 容疑者はいくつかの条件を 遵守しなければならない 住所変更の警察への通知 そして被害者と連絡しないこと The accused must follow several conditions, including notifying police of address changes and not contacting the alleged victim. 9月の法廷に出席する際には 証拠簿が準備されます A book of evidence will be prepared for a September court appearance.