8月28日,ミシシッピ州ジャクソンにあるベーカー小学校の廃校教室が火災により損傷し,隣接する2つの教室に付随的な被害が引き起こされた. On August 28, a fire damaged an abandoned classroom at Baker Elementary School in Jackson, Mississippi, causing collateral damage to two adjacent classrooms.
8月28日,ミシシッピ州ジャクソンにあるベーカー小学校の廃校の移動式教室で火災が発生し,隣接する2つの教室に重大な被害が及んだ. On August 28, a fire broke out at an abandoned portable classroom at Baker Elementary School in Jackson, Mississippi, causing significant damage to two adjacent classrooms. 廃校を予定していた学校は,様々な問題により閉鎖され,シャーリー小学校と統合された. The school, set to be demolished, had been closed and consolidated with Shirley Elementary due to various issues. 幸いなことに,負傷者はおらず,火事の原因はまだ調査中です. Thankfully, no injuries were reported, and the cause of the fire is still under investigation.