イースト・サンドウィッチの家では雷による嵐で火災が発生し,住民と犬は安全に避難した. House fire in East Sandwich during thunderstorms caused by lightning, with occupants and dog evacuated safely.
月曜日にケープコッドのイースト・サンドウィッチで起きた火災は 激しい雷雨の時に雷が打ったことで発生した. A house fire in East Sandwich, Cape Cod on Monday was caused by lightning strikes during severe thunderstorms. 住人 たち と その 犬 は 安全 に 避難 し まし た. The occupants of the home, along with their dog, were safely evacuated. 被害は家の外側と電気部品に限られ,同じ道路にある2番目の家は軽度の電気損傷を受けた. Damage was limited to the exterior and electrical components of the house, while a second house on the same road experienced minor electrical damage. 複数の地方の消防士が 現場に到着した. Firefighters from multiple local departments responded to the scene.