カナダは,米国とEUの政策に合わせて,中国の電気自動車に100%の関税,鉄鋼とアルミニウムに25%の関税を課している.新しい関税はカナダと中国の関係を緊張させる可能性がある. Canada imposes 100% tariff on Chinese EVs, 25% on steel and aluminum, aligning with US-EU policies; new tariffs may strain Canada-China relations.
カナダは中国の電気自動車に100%の関税を課し,中国の鉄鋼とアルミニウムに25%の関税を課し,米国とEUと自動車政策を整合させる. Canada will impose a 100% tariff on Chinese electric vehicles and a 25% tariff on Chinese steel and aluminum, aligning its automotive policy with the US and EU. この動きは国内自動車生産を支援し, 大手自動車会社の電気自動車とバッテリー工場の開発にカナダ政府が約束した何十億ドルもの資金を保護します. This move supports domestic car production and safeguards the tens of billions of dollars committed by Canadian governments for the development of electric vehicle and battery factories by major automotive companies. カナダはまた,中国の鉄鋼とアルミニウムに25%の関税を課し,中国との緊張関係を悪化させ,カナダの農産物輸出に対する中国政府の報復を促す可能性がある. Canada will also impose a new 25% tariff on Chinese steel and aluminum, which could worsen the country's already strained relations with China and possibly prompt retaliation by the Chinese government against Canadian agricultural exports.