48歳のバイセクシュアル男性 チャールズ・ムワンギは カナダに1年間の居住許可を得て ケニアへの追放を止めました 48-year-old bisexual man, Charles Mwangi, granted a one-year resident permit in Canada, halting deportation to Kenya.
トロントに住む48歳のバイセクシュアル男性 チャールズ・ムワンギは カナダ当局から 一年間の一時居住許可を得て ケニアへの強制送還を中止した. 48-year-old bisexual man, Charles Mwangi, living in Toronto, has been granted a one-year temporary resident permit by Canadian authorities, halting his planned deportation to Kenya. 2019年にカナダに移住する前に,故郷で殺害の脅迫や虐待に直面したムワンギは,今,人道的,思いやり的な申請を審査される. Mwangi, who had faced death threats and abuse in his home country before moving to Canada in 2019, will now have his humanitarian and compassionate application reviewed. 移民労働組合連合 (Migrant Workers Alliance for Change) を含む彼の支持者は,この結果を"移民とクィーア正義の勝利"と呼び,カナダ政府に不法移民を保護し,ジャスティン・トルドー首相に不法移民の合法化を要請した. His supporters, including the Migrant Workers Alliance for Change, called the outcome "a victory for migrant and queer justice" and urged the Canadian government to protect undocumented people and appeal to Prime Minister Justin Trudeau to regularize all undocumented individuals.